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  • Battery DC 12 V MAX 6.0AH / Li-ion

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    Max Reach® 12 Volts 6.0AH / Li-ion Battery offers Exceptional Runtime, lasting for approximately 90 minutes of continuous work. This ensures reliable performance for extended use, making it an ideal power source for any of your different gardening needs. Our battery features a Battery Management System (BMS), Overload Protection, Low Voltage Cut-off, and Safety Switch, ensuring optimal performance, longevity, and user safety.


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The flexibility of Lorem Ipsum extends across various fields, from web design to print media. In web design, Lorem Ipsum is used to fill spaces where text will eventually appear, allowing designers to see how the text will interact with other elements on the page, such as images, headers, and navigation menus. This is particularly useful in the early stages of a project when the actual text content is not yet available.